Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rainy Day Fun: Yogurt Coloring

todLast week was pretty rough. I spent most of my time trying to entertain a grumpy 14 month old because he couldn't go outside. It was pouring rain for days. And my son thinks everyday should be a day to play outside. So a worn out mom and a cranky son was not a good combination. So we began trying all kinds of things to keep my little man happy.

We tried crayons for coloring. He ate them.
We tried stacking blocks. He was entertained for a grand total of um, 30 seconds and then he threw them.
We tried reading books. Another ten minutes of fun. Then it was over.
We tried edible play dough. Um, not really interested mom.
I was at a loss on what I could do to keep him busy.

Until I talked to my creative sister-in-law and she gave me a very good idea. This is what she came up with:

Coloring with Yogurt!

I put a large plastic tablecloth on the floor and put four tablespoons of yogurt in different places. I then put a drop of food coloring in each one. My son looked at me as if I was crazy putting food on the floor and slowly took steps towards the setup on the floor. He looked at me and then stuck one finger in it to see if I was going to tell him no. When I didn't he started laughing and spreading it all around.

When all was said and done I had one very happy, very messy 14 month old.

What are some of your rainy day ideas?


  1. How adorable! Great pics! Following you from the Pink Dandy Sunday Blog Hop!~Lisa
    I am all a twitter about life

  2. Fun!
    Following from Bloggy Moms. My blog hop post it up for Tuesday! Just add your links and start finding great new blogs :) Make sure to leave everyone a comment that you follow so they can follow you back!
